Connecting leaders in sustainability research and innovation

Through our interactive map, you can find and connect with the key players and projects across UNIL, IMD and EPFL.

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We currently have over 500 different people and projects on our database. They are organised across 16 sustainability themes and assigned to specific UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Highlighted Projects

Val d’Hérens 1950/2050

Val d’Hérens 1950/2050

The Val d'Hérens 1950/2050 project, a collaboration between UNIL's Interdisciplinary Centre for Mountain Research (CIRM) and the Service Culture et Médiation scientifique (SCMS), investigates the challenges and impacts of global changes on life in the mountains. Not only it invites residents, visitors, and researchers to co-create knowledge about the valley's past, present, and future, but also encourages citizens to question the territory's evolution amidst climate change, ecological transition, and social transformations.

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Sustainable Business Strategies

Sustainable Business Strategies

At IMD Business School, Prof. Goutam Challagalla explores how companies incorporate sustainability into their strategies, questioning whether they adopt defensive or offensive lenses. This research aims to uncover the implications of these approaches on organisational capabilities, guiding firms on whether to take a passive or proactive stance. 

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Glacier Microbiome Exploration

Glacier Microbiome Exploration

At the EPFL River Ecosystems Laboratory, Prof. Tom Ian Battin and team venture into the unexplored territory of glacier microbiomes across the Swiss Alps, the Pamir region, and Greenland. Through pioneering Omics methods and phylogeny, they aim to decode the secrets of microorganisms thriving in glacier-fed streams, providing insights into how climate change might impact the biofilm microbiome and biogeochemistry in these extreme environments.

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All actors in one place

We’ve been working across UNIL, IMD and EPFL to create a network of the leading experts and organisations in sustainability. This map is continually evolving and growing and we’re always looking for the latest research and innovation projects. Is there someone missing? Let us know.

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Where does the data come from?

From you! We’ve been working with the experts leading sustainability and innovation projects across UNIL, IMD and EPFL, including researchers, professors, and sustainability units and labs. We are also working with our partners across the three campuses to find the projects and people who are taking a lead in protecting our planet and society.

Profiles included in the Portal fit the same definition of sustainability:
To ensure human well-being across generations, as well as the stability of ecosystems. Following the Doughnut Economics Model, this means keeping the impact of all human activity within the ecological limits of the planet, while ensuring equity and basic needs for all.


Who’s behind the portal?

Building a community like this takes the passion and dedication of many different organisations. We’re supported by the Enterprise for Society Center, CLIMACT, as well as the UNIL Competence Center in Sustainability, IMD and the EPFL Vice Presidency for Responsible Transformation, Vice Presidency for Innovation and Vice Presidency for Academic Affairs.